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Selectmen's Minutes November 12, 2002
November 12, 2002

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold , Heather Briggs and Judy Kenneally via telephone.


Chairman Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

The minutes of October 29, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Subject: Highway
Present: Road Agent, Jeffrey Jordan

Mr. Jordan discussed the clean up and sand used from the recent snowfall.

Mr. Jordan told the Board of a highway department tool that helps identify icing condition of roads.  The Board inquired of cost and availability and authorized purchase.  Mr. Jordan will look into purchasing this.

Selectman Colbert asked about the highway department budget.  Mr. Jordan feels confident that the budget is sufficient to cover overtime due to snowfall coverage.   

Subject: Police Department
Present: Police Chief, Patrick Clarke

Chief Clarke presented the Police Department 2003 budget.  Chief Clarke and the Board reviewed and discussed entire budget.

Selectman DeBold recommended a more detailed overview of presented proposal of more cruiser coverage and more coverage during normal off duty hours.

Also recommended was to keep grant line items separate.  Chief Clarke agreed.

Subject:   Fire Department

Present: Chief John Prickett and Mike Paveglio

Chief Prickett presented the Highway Department 2003 budget.  Chief Prickett and the Board reviewed and discussed entire budget.

Also discussed were possible Warrant Articles.

Selectman Colbert referred to the problem with timely payroll in the Fire Department.  The Board would like to see the payroll not be late again.

Subject:   Mr. Wolf

Mr. Wolf presented his concerns regarding Mr. Robinson’s property.  The Board noted his letter and accompanying information.  Mr. Wolf showed photos of the property.

Heather will give Judy copy of Mr. Wolf’s letter and enclosures.

The Board will look into Mr. Wolf’s concerns.

Subject:   Conservation Commission Chairman, Mr. Robert Mann

Mr. Mann gave the Board an update and activities summary of the Conservation Commission.  The Chairman, being himself, Mr. Jeff Andrews is vice president, and Mr. Jeffrey Jordan is the Secretary.

Mr. Mann submitted the Conservation Commission 2003 budget.
Mr. Mann would like to attend the Budget Committee Meeting and will schedule this with Heather at a later date.

Invoices were given to Heather.

Judy reminded Mr. Mann that the minutes from the meeting must be made public.  He will get copy to Heather and Town Clerk.

Mr. Mann inquired of filing drawer space available for the Conservation Commission at the Town Offices.  Selectman DeBold recommended the filing cabinet in the alcove.

Subject:   Mr. David Pinckney

Mr. Pinckney came in to discuss his property (M 7 L 26 S 3) located at 46 Durgin Road.  He is interested in adding a garage with adjoining efficiency apartment. The Board would like to review the requirements.

Subject:   Board Discussion

The Board discussed the property located at 103 Hilliard Road. (M 7 L 3)    The letter from Attorney Goldman was reviewed.  Judy pointed out section 8 in the Knowing The Territory handbook published by NHMA.  The Board will take this under advisement.

The Board would like Heather to call Lenny Burrit, a plumber, to water winterize.

Heather confirmed that all invoices and all billing is being kept in a file.

The Board discussed Ms. Onoroski’s letter regarding an abatement of Inventory penalty.  Due to the circumstances, Selectmen Colbert and DeBold voted in favor of the abatement with Chairman Bailey voting against.  Ms. Onoroski will be notified by Heather of her abatement.

The Board discussed the State’s widening Route 4, Dover Road.  The Board would like Judy to draft a letter to Division 5 requesting a crosswalk signal and sidewalks to be put in.

The Board discussed the TDS proposal.  The Board agreed that a new phone system was in need by the Town Offices.  Heather will inquire of other comparative quotes.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

Selectman David Colbert

Selectman Richard DeBold